A big hello to you all.

Yes it has been a while. Many reasons why this is so. Idolness is the main one. I had forgotten my password, and could not be bothered to just reset it and begin again. Neverthelss, it has been done, and now i can annoy you all once more.

Is it me or is the year going too quick? My last blog was of the festive season, and the way it is going it will be back to smack our backsides and we have to do the boring task of pressie fetching, writing cards to people we hardly see, and that jumper. Why do i always get that hideous jumper for Christmas? Yes i will shut up!

I have not been busy really, just sailing along nice and easy. Actually that was a lie. I never stop! But i have spent time writing. I am now on the fourth instalment of Alison Benson, which is going to be a very dark book, well i think it is, only done fifty-ish pages as of yet. However, I am in a killing mood, so be warned if ever my books get published! I'm not all sweets and candy you know, a very dark side does come along at times and bites you.  I surprise a few people with my ways.

I have also began to write short stories. I need to see how it is done, because believe it or not, i do find short stories hard. You need to get that punch line in less than 1500 words, and if like me you drone on and write a book with 150k, then you have problems. However, i am learning, you don't need much description, loads of people, or a fan-fair in the back ground. Maybe a man, woman, beach and wine. Easy. but is it? And yet, when you spek to people who do short stories, or flash stories (even harder) they can't write long stories. Pretty weird. But yes, i'm getting the gist of it. I have two stories on my Scribd.com site (links at bottom of blog) and also a story in a book that was published over Christmas called Satchells, Ink Wells and Milk Monitors. A mixture of short stories from our child-hood years from the Walsall Writing Circle which i attend each month. 

I also go on Twitter a lot, and have found some interesting people to follow. I don't do the whole celeb thing (apart from Billie Joe Armstrong of course). I don't really care who's bleached their hair, new shoes given to them by some swanky designer, or if they break a leg whilst boarding a plane.  Just normal everyday folk, who like me, want to say something, without being too coarse or rude, but fellow writers, musicians, and folk who roam the site looking for something to browse at. I'm there and i like it, thank you very much. So if you wish you can follow me @toryjsmith i like a good gossip, and i RT if you have something good to say, and i even reply back if you write back. Nothing like the celebs.. I promise.

Well gassing away here, and you don't need it. Yes links to my stories are below if you wish to look at them, and please be free to comment, i do need good words of wisdom at times. Till next time.



Victoria J Smith