It was Saturday, my day of rest. Well, bit of a lie really. I  mean, how can you have a day off from your daily chores, when on  Saturday  you have three kids, and a husband, all arguing about what TV channel to

 Nevertheless, this Saturday, it was going to be hot, and I wanted  to top up my already tanned skin.

 “Let’s go fishing,” Barry, my husband suggested as he sat casually strewn across the settee like my winter

 I pulled a face, as did our daughter Elizabeth, whilst middle  child, Josh turned from his laptop and grinned. 
I knew what was to come before they even began the dash to the  shed to get their rods, chairs and so forth. Maggots.  And  muggings here was chosen to do this horrible task.

 They know I hate going in the fishing shop, the smell makes me heave before I step into the door of the shop, and today? I bet it really stank in that already muggy place. But Barry was busy getting his bag of something he had hidden at the back of cupboard in the kitchen and making it into a paste,  and getting Josh to get the loaf of bread that I had only bought the day before  and a tin of sweet corn out of my other

With maggots tightly caged up, the car was ready and so were we.  Well, forced to, I did have better things to do, but that was not important,  when Josh ran to the car like a dog ready to stick his head of the car window  and pull that ecstasy face.
The pool was large and many were around to attempt to find the biggest fish in the pond.  We found
a place where there was shade, and threw all the contents out of the fishing bag on to the floor, whilst Liz and I made haste with a blanket and sat behind them.

Now, fishing is supposed to relaxing, calming, sit down and sleep  with the fishing line wrapped around your toe,  like Tom Sawyer, so that if you caught a tiddler, your toe would wiggle. Not with my wonderful family though. No sooner,  as the first rod was cast, Josh had it tangled around a weed and as usual, Barry

 Yes, great day indeed was on the horizon.

 Two hours had passed, I was bored, Liz, was bored, Josh was  bored, even the fish were bored, yet, Barry sat waiting, hoping that a great white shark would take the bite of his readymade paste and maggots.

 “Come on let’s go through there,” he suggested after another hour had passed and nothing was biting. 

We grabbed a rod and crawled through bushes, which opened up to a  private haven and sat waiting, hoping for a catch just so that I could go home.  Alas, nothing took a snap at the hook.

 “Come on,” Barry sighed, “let’s go home.” 
I was quickly on my feet followed by Liz and began to crawl back  through the bushes.

 We began packing things back in to the bags, like  robbers taking money out of a safe, eager to get back home and relax in the garden, wine on ice, and the Barbie calling to be used later that evening.

 However, as we packed, the bushes that we had crawled through,  gave a very strange rustle, a few bangs and then a scream.

 I looked at Liz, and she shrugged back unsure what was going on,  until Josh came out of the bushes looking as though he had seen a ghost.

 “It’s dad,” Josh panted “he’s hurt  himself.”

 Now I was worried too, we had only just left him, so what had he  done in that short moment?

 He came out seconds later and I looked at him. He didn’t look injured or nothing, but I noticed his fishing rod was held strangely.

 “I tripped” he said casually, as he held his hand up in the air. “The hook’s stuck in my hand.”

 Now, that was when I turned white, especially when he dangled the hand in front of me and the hook was dancing around in his skin. 
He walked back to our spot, grabbed whatever he could to pull the hook out, but it never gave.

 “You’ll have to go to hospital,” I winced as his skin rose ten foot away from his body as he attempted to get the hook out of his hand with pliers. 

Just then, a group of ramblers walked by, and stood right by us watching us with curiosity and I cringed with embarrassment as they stood like mannequins in a shop ogling the scene in front of them. 
“Caught anything?” the posh lady asked as the small crowd walked  forward to see what Barry was trying to

 “Arr, me self” Barry shrugged as he showed them his  wound.

 Consequently, the day was spent sitting in A&E waiting for a  hook to be taken out, and my relaxing Saturday was slipping away in to the oblivion.

 Next time he goes fishing? He’s taking a fishing net, it’s safer  and less hassle.

Regards Victoria
It was something I never thought would happen to me. And that was to be asked if I wished to do an interview.

It was a month ago when I was asked via Dm on my Twitter page.

I had allowed readers 40 pages of my book to read free on Scribd, and a lovely lady called, Sezoni Whitfield, wrote saying how kind of me to do this, and then this was when I was approached.

It was a bit of a smack in the mouth for me. I mean, me? I'm not some celebrity plugging my 20th biography and had a million pounds thrown at me by a big publishing company. It was me, a nobody a woman who enjoys writing, and allowing people to view my work, comment if they wish, and if they have a spare dime, buy.

I was so overwhelmed, trust me on that.

But to me this could be the beginning. Okay, it was not a big magazine break, I didn't have my picture taken in a manor house in designer clothes and happy scrubbed up kids around me (my darlings are never clean, in fact, they come out the shower dirtier than when they went in.) nevertheless, just me, the lap top and no inteference from the world around. So I agreed. Arrrgghhh!!!

The day of the interview and I was scared. I had no idea what I was going to be asked, and that is pretty freaky to be honest. 

"You'll be fine," Sezoni wrote, on more than one occasion whenever those doubts came into my head that I was going to fluff up and make an ass of myself.

And when three o'clock GMT time, the interview begin.

However, troubles began before I even begun. The computer froze, hubby came home earlier than expected and the phone rang. 

My stomach was churning, Sezoni was emailing me, asking if everything was ok, and I was getting worried. But you know, apart from having to tweet my answers, and making a couple of spelling mistakes, and forgetting what I was asked in the process, it went pretty well, even remembering to put the #writerkaboodle in there too. 

So, if you missed the interview, you are now lucky enough to be able to read it here today (did I hear a groan?) So here goes the first interview of moi, Victoria J Smith and Sezoni Whitfield and her Writers Kaboodle blog.

Thank  you for joining us to talk about your book. What's Alison Benson  about?
It is the story about how a young girl is suddenly involved in a battle, which  is soon to begin in a kingdom that she has never heard of until one day at the  Botanical Gardens a young man says that he is from a kingdom called Frinda, and  that the queen is in need of her. There she meets a beautiful queen who states
that her evil brother Prince Amir is declaring war once  more.

 Where does your story take place? It takes us on a  journey, where people are not what they truly perceive. We have a moody old  teacher who is a good witch, loves a sherry or two and comes from a kingdom
called Onbrier another teacher who is a punk rocker and is a warrior for the  realm, but also has a dark secret and so, each person she seems to interact with
is different. However, in the story takes place on earth, on kingdoms, and also
in gems and dreams.

 What  inspired this story? I  have not got a clue. I know it was a hot summers day in 2009, I’d just bought
  21st century breakdown, by a group called Green day, and it was listening to  that album that I could see a young girl, an evil prince and a queen and before  I know it, the story just poured out of me. Very strange feeling you  know.

 Most people want to know, is writing really all that hard? I am asked that a lot too. But I must be lucky, because if someone says write about,  say, a bunch of keys, I have no problem writing about a set of keys. Yet, I know others would just stare at them and think for a while before even putting ink to paper. I wish I could think though, but I have so much swimming inside I have to  get it out.

 Have you ever had writers block and if so, how did you overcome it? I  have. In this book, I did something, and the whole story went to pot, so I  retraced my steps, took what was the problem out, and began again. I actually used that part near the end of the second book, which made the book extra special to me.

What’s  better: Pen and paper, or laptop? I  have to admit, laptop. It shows my spelling mistakes, and besides, my writing is  unreadable I can never make out what I have read. I can never make out what I
have read. However, I do loads of notes on paper, which is easy for me.

Actually can read most people's chicken scratch. You won't read mine, I was always doing lines at school for untidy work.  Haha

 Haha!!!  I can't read my own handwriting either!  I think  I should've been a Dr. the way I
Do you write according to the trends or from the heart?  I really don't know, to be honest. I do
have punks in my story, so is that a trend? But I also have old people in there too , so is that from the heart? I think, maybe my own life is in there, I use names from kids I went to school with, rather than the newer names. And my book,  even though set in today's environment, does come from a time that I felt happy in.

 What projects are you currently working on? I completed book three of the Alison Benson series just before Christmas, not  edited yet, because now need to write book four, and get them to work together.  That is how I work. Book 2 follows book 1, book 2 is meaner and harsher because they begin their battle in Frinda. Book 3 concludes some parts of book 1 that I left for this book. I like to make my books work together rather than finish a book and begin a new adventure. I like to keep the readers on their feet.  However, my main project is to get proofread, get them on kindle and hope that my dreams come true.
Where can we buy your book, Alison Benson? it can be purchased
at …
for 99cents. Not on kindle or nook though, but PC and android. 
Thanks for joining us today. We enjoyed hearing about your book. Will you let us know
about new releases?
Of  course, I will. Thank you for spending the time to talk, not so nervy after all.
Speak to you soon.

And there we go, my first interview. Will it be my last though? I am hoping not, but I will never know that answer. 

Thank you for stopping by. Back tomorrow, with what my family got up to over the weekend. Bit of a ewwie moment, but funny.


Victoria J Smith


Back so soon? Yes I am. Why? Well why not?

Actually a few things really.

I have been lazy, feeling sorry for myself, and wishing everything would drop on my lap without me getting off my big bottom, and making me work for it.

Now, what the bugger am I on about? I hear you ask.

I have no idea either I'm an Aquarian, and even i don't understand my self at times, but what ever is around the corner I am ready for it.

So here I go.

As most of you know, I have been putting links to various amounts of my work on line and as of yet, an amazing 17k folk have been on, looked at my work,  commented via Twitter and I love it!!!

You cannot believe how good it makes me feel. I am no super writer, I am not getting a £1m contract for my books, nevertheless, I feel great, the best I have felt for as long as I can remember.

I have loads of folk who are brave enough to follow me on Twitter, I even have a few who I now speak to like friends, even though we have never, or will ever meet, but to receive messages make me smile.

Okay, going on like some Oscar speech here, sorry, so emotional, going to cry!!!

Well, as I am getting a wee bit noticed as a person who I hope, people will now know is not of the normal variety of a human-being, will appreciate that what I write is from the heart. I love writing, I like to write stories that are true-life or make-believe, but my work needs to be up-lifting, light-humoured, with a dash of misery to make the reader go, OH?

And so here I am positive that maybe one day I will make it as an author.


Yes good news. For me, at least.

I have my first interview  tomorrow with a woman called Sezoni Whitfield @sezoni_ and I am scared. I have no idea what she will be saying, how I will answer, if I can have a ten minute think on questions, or say what comes straight into my head. Which is bad, because when I do that, I know I have put my foot in it.

At the same time, I am looking forward to it too. I am hoping that I will look positive, and that Sezoni will ask me questions which will reflect not only what I write about, but what makes me tick, who inspires me, and what is that dog eating now?

So if you want to find out more about Sezoni, and if ever you wish to see the interview, her blog is

Remodling Site
I am going to make a few changes to my website. Even though Alison Benson is my main objective, because I  love writing about her adventures, and of all the cast involved in the book, but I have also been dabbling in short stories too, so I shall be plugging them on this site as well as Scribed. Actually getting excited at this thought now, so I think i will begin today. However, hubby is only at a meeting today, so no doubt he will be threatening his collegues about not asking any questions at the end of the lecture so that they can leave early. Yes, he loves work!!!

That's all folks, i will keep you posted on changes, get some links going, and wow, you'll never leave this site again!! (yes, I know I'm dreaming guys)

So thanks for taking a look, and speak to you all soon.


Victoria J Smith

Sorry it has been a while since posting, I did make myself promise to do at least one posting a week. However, that never materialised, because I have spent my time cleaning, driving around England, and dreaming of plots for my new book.

So from here until I lose my hair and teeth, I will post every week. So God help you all.

Well what glorious weather we are basking in. I have a great tan, as it is far too hot to stay indoors and do the mundane things. The garden has never been weeded and mowed so much in its life. It is better manicured than my nails at the moment.  The weekend was the best, lounging around in the sun, drinking wine and having my family around me not whingeing and wishing to play on their electrical gadgets.

Sunday was entertaining though. Whilst bathing in the afternoon, I heard a few almighty screams coming from the front of the house. Obvioulsy I ran indoors to the bay-window in the living room, and locked on to a small crowd of people congregating around a car on a driveway opposite our house.

Now, I am not a nosey neighbour, never have been (yeah, sure) so I ran upstairs to take a better look. still, I had no idea what was going on, but the way those people took a fretful strep back from the car, I knew something was amiss.

I grabbed the binoculars from a drawer, and took to staring at the silver car with curiosity. A big black pig came into view, and those people jumped back once more, un-sure what this porky was going to do.

One brave man with muscles came to the rescue, hoping to grab the pig and.... well I don't really know what he was going to do. He had no chance of being a super-hero in front of the babes of my street, because as the pig trotted forward, he jumped over a wall.

I did have to titter at him - prat.

Anyway, the pig was still maneuvering around the car like a fairground ride, and the neighbours still stood staring at the pig with fascination, taking steps back, now and then, and then surging forward when the pig stood still.

It was a good ten minutes before another lad came along, this time with a long rope, and his girlfriend in tow for moral support. He looped the rope around the pig, and began to pull it away from the car.

The scream was horrendous, and I felt a tad sorry for porky as he begged not to be moved and not be taken back to wherever  he came from.

With entertainment over, I went back into the garden for my sietsa, whilst my kids got the BBQ ready.

"Heard there was a pig walking down the street," Hubby said when he returned from Sunday Schoool (the pub)

"Yes, just over the road," I stated as I turned on to my back.

"Mmm,  couldn't you have bought him back here?" he enquired with a frown.

"And where are we going to put him?" I asked with fluster.

"Well, we could make use of it," he shrugged. I mean, here we are having burgers, sausage, belly draft and pork chops, and there was a pig hanging around. Would save us a bob or two on the next BBQ," he thought aloud.

Now my husband. I have been with him for twenty years, married seventeen, and I still never know if he is joking or not. However, as he grabbed a beer, he winked and laughed at my puzzled looking face.

"As if I'd do that," he smiled. " as he examined the minute looking chops in the fridge and pouted.

The RSPCA picked porky up, and took him to pastures green. Or I hope so, because the next chop I eat... may well be dear old porky pig.

Well till next time. Enjoy the weather, and remember, the next time you eat a sausage, give a thought to our wandering pig...Porky

Until next time

Victoria J Smith

Actually, I will be back tomorrow, have more news for you guys..see ya x


As life seems to fly by, i don't think anyone is able to capture their days no more. Unable to embrace those happy times, and regret the sad. The clock ticks away uncaringly, and we have to recall each passing day  un-sure if it was a dream or reality.

My children comment all the time about how the year is going. And that made me think. Made me realise that if i don't act now, those three ankle snappers who demand feeding, clothing and items that needs a mortgage, will be fledgling, leaving me and their father alone, to live our lives as we did before marriage and births.

I know many of you out there can recall your childhoods, remember those long hot summers, the glorious big school holidays where we were out at 9am and our parents shouting us for tea at 6pm.  And the only time we ever went home, was if we were starving to death, or needed stitching up after falling from a tree.

Now all, or should i say most, of this generation have not grasped the beauty of playing out, making dens, playing cowboy and indians, or even having a picnc in the park with their mates, eating jam butties, and drinking warm cola. Now they are recluse, hiding in their rooms playing computer games whilst talking to people on headphones, or typing a message on Facebook, letting them know that they are eating, fed-up, or off to bed. 

Who is to blame for the mess that is in front of us? Is it the makers of Atari, who gave us Pac-Man and allowed us to play real games (in that era of course) where it was not a line going up and down and we had to hit a spot. Or Nintendo, for the Mario brothers, on those dinky small hand-held consoles? Or Sega, that gave us Sonic the Hedgehog? What about that first real computer that we, the public bought, with the cassette player and an hour of getting the thing to work before giving up? (that was me, impaitient as ever!)

The men and women of today are brighter, i must admit, more tech wise and know what makes it big, what doesn't,  and what we, the public, are suppose to need. A console that was bought one day is quickly an old tyre that needs disposing of the next, to pave the way for the 4th in the series. Phones, a must for kids under 10, who have no idea what a phone is, only that you can play games, and annoy their parents who need to make a call, only to find that the battery is almost as dead as the night-before-feeling in your gut.

I mean a phone for children? As like many of us who are around from the "stone age" we had nothing like a phone. We did what we did without communicating via mobile. And if we were clever made our own decvices by using two plastic cups and string. However, if you were rich you had a walkie talkie. That was cool in my days, especially if you got to hear other folk transmitting whilst moving that signal button around.

But technology has moved on quick, maybe too quick, which to me does feel like a bad aura. I mean we have so many devices that only need a fingertip, an eye movement, or the swinging of an hand, what else can they do to make us buy a product that we don't really need? Implants are the only option. It is the only way, i think. No idea where they'd stick this micro-chip, it could be in our eyes, ears, or backside, i have no idea. But be warned!

Nevertheless, our little bundles of joy are being bought into a world which is fast paced in technology, but communication wise will be a disater.

The next time you go out for the night, you watch those yonger folk. They sit with their partners, or friends, tapping frantically on their mobiles, they may show the other  person their screen if a funny reply or picture has been posted, but other than that...not a sound. They don't talk, laugh, go into a deep depth converastion, they just tap away as though the end of the world is nearing and that they must put their last memory on a site for all too see. A very sad future is looming.

We, the older generation, will be the last of the gossipers via mouth, the last communicaters of this world, before all will be silenced taken away by the magic of technolgy.

So what can i do as a parent? I could be cruel, take their treasured items away, and allow them to be kids, to explore life the way that i did, to fall over, get hurt and try again. But if i do this, am i blocking their own future by making them live my past? I suppose it is all down to each individual how we do this.

And so i end this mild rant, and beg my daughter to come downstairs and cook cakes, and switch the electric off, so that my son knows that there is a real life to take hold of rather than killing men on a video game. Enjoy the time you have, before the clock ticks faster and were nearing 2014.

Take care

Victoria J Smith


A big hello to you all.

Yes it has been a while. Many reasons why this is so. Idolness is the main one. I had forgotten my password, and could not be bothered to just reset it and begin again. Neverthelss, it has been done, and now i can annoy you all once more.

Is it me or is the year going too quick? My last blog was of the festive season, and the way it is going it will be back to smack our backsides and we have to do the boring task of pressie fetching, writing cards to people we hardly see, and that jumper. Why do i always get that hideous jumper for Christmas? Yes i will shut up!

I have not been busy really, just sailing along nice and easy. Actually that was a lie. I never stop! But i have spent time writing. I am now on the fourth instalment of Alison Benson, which is going to be a very dark book, well i think it is, only done fifty-ish pages as of yet. However, I am in a killing mood, so be warned if ever my books get published! I'm not all sweets and candy you know, a very dark side does come along at times and bites you.  I surprise a few people with my ways.

I have also began to write short stories. I need to see how it is done, because believe it or not, i do find short stories hard. You need to get that punch line in less than 1500 words, and if like me you drone on and write a book with 150k, then you have problems. However, i am learning, you don't need much description, loads of people, or a fan-fair in the back ground. Maybe a man, woman, beach and wine. Easy. but is it? And yet, when you spek to people who do short stories, or flash stories (even harder) they can't write long stories. Pretty weird. But yes, i'm getting the gist of it. I have two stories on my site (links at bottom of blog) and also a story in a book that was published over Christmas called Satchells, Ink Wells and Milk Monitors. A mixture of short stories from our child-hood years from the Walsall Writing Circle which i attend each month. 

I also go on Twitter a lot, and have found some interesting people to follow. I don't do the whole celeb thing (apart from Billie Joe Armstrong of course). I don't really care who's bleached their hair, new shoes given to them by some swanky designer, or if they break a leg whilst boarding a plane.  Just normal everyday folk, who like me, want to say something, without being too coarse or rude, but fellow writers, musicians, and folk who roam the site looking for something to browse at. I'm there and i like it, thank you very much. So if you wish you can follow me @toryjsmith i like a good gossip, and i RT if you have something good to say, and i even reply back if you write back. Nothing like the celebs.. I promise.

Well gassing away here, and you don't need it. Yes links to my stories are below if you wish to look at them, and please be free to comment, i do need good words of wisdom at times. Till next time.



Victoria J Smith

It has been a funny week. It has flown by so quick and i feel as though i have not done a thing. Which is true in a way, because all i have done is attempt to buy Christmas presents, and as i am a woman who hates shops (no kidding guy's) it has been murder.

With all our purses being pinched, we as consumers, no longer wish to buy the sily gadgets that will played on Christmas day, and then thrown away buy New Years day, we now look for things that people want, useful things, things that they are needed. alas, nothing of the sort flung its arms around me to be taken home and loved.

I've been to my local town, only to find junk at prices that i cannot afford. Telford, only because it was cold, and you kept warm. However, a few nick nacks were bought. The German Market in Birmingham, which was expensive, and i knew that some of the goodies that they were selling, i could buy way cheaper in Aldis.

So that has been my week, traipsing around like a wounded soldier from one county to another hoping to  have got all my shopping, and over the weekedn have it all wrapped up in sparkly ribbon, and fancy paper...well no, i think the paper has snowmen on, and the cellotape has been half chewed by our puppy.

But i will not bore you any longer with Christmas cheer, if like me, it is very overwhelming and brings tears to my eyes, but if i hear another "Merry Christmas" song on the radio once more i will scream.

 Last night i went to my local Writers' Circle, and it was nice to see not only the old faces  (and i mean, but also new too. As one member said, it brings a different feel to the circle, as there are so many diffrent genre and different types of authors that bring fresh ways of writing to our club. No longer is it romance, factual, and crime, we now have flash writers, people who write for magazines, children writers, true life, fantasy and sci-fi, and history. A lovely jumble of work that we can listen to on manuscript nights, and put our voice in, on the construction of their work, how it could be improved, and what they could do to make it more appealing to the reader.

Also last night, our first publication of work by the circle was given out. It was stories from the group about our lives as children. it was supposed to be of our early days at school. as usual i thought differently, i was not a fan of school, so wrote about the time out of school. But you know when some of the stories were read out most had bad memories of school too, which made me feel guilty about not revealing my school past. The book is called Satchels, Inkwells and Milk Monitors, not sure if it is going to be published for public viewing, but still it is nice to actually have my name in a published book.

well i wil leave you at this point, i have ham that needs curing, and the house is in need of festive cheer.

take care, and thank you for coming by.

Good day to you all. Well i am not one to let folk down, and with the Realm of Wonders Union, exceeding the 2k mark and people commenting that they like the story, i decided last night, whilst eating tea (chicken and roasties) that from here on, i will allow two chapters of my story every other day to be free to those who are reading the story, and are curious to where the story is leading to. I know money is tight, and even at the measly price, no one can really afford to put hands in pocket at this time of year to purchase the book. I know been there done that, and still are.

My main hope is not to sell a book and make millions, and cruise around on a private plane drinking pink chamagne and having my photo took with the rich and famlous. No i want to share it with you, the public, the world. It may be o.k, good, brilliant, even a load of crap, but i just want to put a bit of happiness in your souls'. And if like me, you had always wished to write, but never had the time to do so, or that you have no idea where you wish your story to go, then look no further than me.

Alison Benson began as just a bit of a doodle thing, something to do, whilst sitting in the garden. it was never meant to have gone this far. All of what i have written in the past got to x ammount of pages, and was put away, never to see the light of day again. But this story was different, it kind of began writing it self, the characters were in front of me, and it came so easy. Plus i did mention that i was writing a book to many people, and i did not want to feel a failure when they asked how the book was coming along. So you see we can all do it, bit of a shove, but it can be acheived.

My main hope is that a publisher and agent see it. I know it needs a bit more work on it, but you do overlook things. Like a letter, you can write it ten times, and it never looks right. And this is the same - 130k words is a lot to go through on your own.

Well enough ear bashing for now. The link is coming up. I know it is a bit cheeky of me to ask, but if you are able to pass the link around, or put a like in the facebook tick thing or even post it on facebook, retweet it, whatever you can do to pass this story around, i would be so grateful.
Till next time take care.

As Christmas is nearing, and well, i like to give rather than receive, i have put two more chapters on for you to read.  If it works on this page here is the link. if not, if you go to home page at the bottom of their you will see a link. 

The story is long, and i know that many do not enjoy a long winded tale, but you know, i too am one of those people that would rather read a book in a day and carry on with my life. However,  once you get stuck into a good story, you wish it never ended. I could read forever and a day if i was allowed to, but obvioulsy i would need to be mega-rich, and be able to afford a cook and cleaner to do my daily chores. Alas, i'm not, so reading is restricted to the i-have-a-spare-five-mins time.

So please read a book, and enjoy it. Turn your phone off, and take that break from your life, it'll only be a cold caller insisting you need warrenty for your washing machine.

Take care now

Why is it that when there is a story in your head, the ideas overflow, you can't sleep, tossing and turning, eager to get all off to work and school just so that you can begin that new project? But then before you begin, the mundane tasks are to be done. Nothing runs smoothly, your daily routine has gone to pot, and yet, all you want to do is sit down, write, get the imgination into full sing, and begin that new adventure?

It is soon lunchtime, no time for a cuppa - no time to do anything, as your day is going fast. That easy job of cleaning the bathroom has taken longer than usual, more washing to put away, the phone ringing, you forget you need groceries.

one o'clock comes and goes, soon nearing two, and you have your nearest and dearest calling you.Their day is going bad, so you have to listen, sympathize, whilst rolling your eyes in annoyance, knowing they're unable to see you, as your first sit down of the day means a good ear bashing about how so and so is "doing their head in" and you just wishing that they would hang up, and leave you be.

Three o'clock. Kids' will be home shortly. You sneak your cuppa, a biscuit, and find a pen, sit down and begin to write. How rejoiced you feel, the pen running like a smooth car over your lined paper, no mistakes, no stopping and thinking, just pure indulgence, your feelings coming fast and furious. But then the phone -it rings. "Pick us up, it's cold" the darlings say.  With more pulls to your face, like Mr. Rubber, you reluctantly agree. looking at those few sentances with woe, wishing to have written more, as you put your scribblings away, and grab the keys to the limousine and head off to torture yourself in queues of traffic with parents in their 4x4's.
And so the end of the day is here. The house is a mess, the kids are arguing, old man is watching footy, and the dogs' are running around the house pulling socks from the washing basket. And me? Well i am at odds. The day that i had planned had not gone to plan. Not a thing that i enjoyed doing had been acheived. And so with a yawn i get into bed, hoping that one day i can write that story that is dancing in my mind. It may be the next day that it can be done. But knowing my luck? Well give it a year or least.